Heart Exercises For A Healthy Heart

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

By: Peter Sams

Look for chances to be more active during the day. Walk the mall before shopping, choose a flight of stairs over an escalator, or take 10-15 minute walking breaks while watching TV or sitting for some other activity.

Start slowly. Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of activity, five or more times per week (or whatever your doctor recommends). If you don't have a full 30 minutes, try two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute sessions to meet your goal. Note your activities on a calendar or in a logbook. Write down the distance or length of time of your activity and how you feel after each session. If you miss a day, plan a make-up day or add 10-15 minutes to your next session.

What we are unaware of is that, we have the ability and the capability, to potentially eradicate, eliminate, and do away with the greatest killer amongst us. Scientifically we are advancing and learning more and more that through minor changes in our lifestyles, attitudes, diets, activities and exercises we have the ability to achieve heart health, and conquer and defeat our greatest medical threat. Cardiovascular or aerobic steady physical activity using large muscle groups. This type of exercise strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the body's ability to use oxygen. Aerobic exercise has the most benefits for your heart. Over time, aerobic exercise can help decrease your heart rate and blood pressure at rest and improve your breathing.

Stretching slow lengthening of the muscles. Stretching the arms and legs before and after exercising helps prepare the muscles for activity and helps prevent injury and muscle strain. Regular stretching also increases your range of motion and flexibility.

Breathing into Your Heart-Fear contracts the heart, closing it down. Breathing into the heart expands it, making space for new feelings and experiences. Before you begin, connect with your heart and notice its size and how it feels. Take about two minutes to consciously breathe into your heart, feeling it expand with each breath. Now check in again with your heart. How has your experience of your heart changed?

Join an exercise group, health club or YMCA. Many churches and senior centers offer exercise programs, too. Anxiety and stress cause heart problems and high blood pressure. But take heed, moderate regular exercise is a great stress reliever. Endorphins the feel good chemicals are released during exercise. Exercise can reduce the amount of insulin diabetics need. It can also reduce your risk of getting diabetes. Diabetes can lead to heart disease.

Your heart is a muscle. The heart needs conditioning and strengthening just like any other muscle. Any kind of stress to the heart can impair its function. Aerobic exercise will lower your number of heartbeats per minute. This is good because as the heart is strengthened each heartbeat will push more blood. The heart becomes more efficient. Elite athletes have very low resting heart rates.

Drink a cup of water before, during and after exercising (but check with the doctor, because some people need to limit their fluid intake). Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies and Girls Discussion Forum. Also read about Beauty and Make up Tips

source : http://www.heartcentral.info